The Eight Do’s and Don’ts When it Comes to Wearing More than One Item of Clothing Made from Denim

Denim has been around for years, and is often referred to as a ‘timeless’ fashion. However it.s one of those materials that can make of break a look depending on how you choose to wear it. More often than not, wearing more than one item of denim at one time (often simply referred to as “Donning Double Denim”), is seen as a fashion fail or even a crime. However, if done correctly you can get away with wearing your most comfortable pair of jeans and your favourite denim jacket both at the same time. Here are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to donning double denim.

DO: Play with colours if you’re a complete beginner

Before delving into colours of blue that is double, start out by matching distinct colors of denim like black jeans and a chambray shirt, or white jeans and a blue denim coat. It’s nearly impossible to go wrong this manner.


DON’T: Wear denim accessories.

Keep the jeans confined to your own clothes and simply say no to a denim, a denim hat, denim shoes, handbag, or any accessory.


DO: conceal or Use denim colors to flatter body parts.

While darker washes create a reducing effect, as a rule of thumb, lighter colors of denim bring focus to the body parts they cover. For many women this means that dark denim jeans, and coat or a lighter denim top is the most flattering approach to take.


DON’T: wash or Wear a denim ensemble that’s all the same weight.

You don’t need to seem too matchy matchy.


DO: Misery.

Something about distressed denim (torn jean shorts or jeans) only lends itself nicely to the denim on denim appearance. So do’t hesitate to tear away.


DON’T Appearance to Westerns for inspiration.

Consider pictures of cowboys, and denim on denim probably come to mind, and that’s not always an excellent thing—you do’t need to wind up looking like a caricature. That means staying from accessories like bolo ties, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, and Western belts.


DO: Dress up your denim that is double.

Do’t not be unafraid to elevate your ensemble with luxe-appearing things including a wonderful red lip, a tuxedo blazer, or statement heels.


DON’T find yourself looking for the love of God, like Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears.

When in doubt, just look at this iconic picture of Timberlake and Spears from back in the day to remind yourself just how completely wrong denim on denim can go. However, it’l likely be not possible that you go this erroneous.